Skin Booster Healthy Skin from Within with Skin Boosters
Skin problems occur when the balance of harmful
and beneficial bacteria is broken within the
epidermis layer to the inside of the dermis layer.
Cytovesicle’s selective antibacterial effects helps to
rebalance harmful and beneficial bacteria,
strengthening the skin barrier and enhancing skin.
Kefir Grains
Kefir Grains (Tibetan
Lactobacillus (Lactic Acid
Exosomes are 30-200mm
Raw Material Patent | Uses of Micro-Vesicles Derived from Kefir Grains (Lactic Acid Bacteria)
Human Fat-Derived Stem Cell Exosomes
Skin Regeneration
Activates Skin Microbial Ecosystem Recovery
Synergistic Regenerative, Anti-Inflammatory / Anti Bacterial Effect
Skin Barrier Recovery and Strengthening
Synergy From the Optimal Combination of Two Exosomes
Cytovesicle suppresses harmful bacteria while proliferating beneficial bacteria,
keeping skin structure firm and healthy.
Those with dull and crumbly skin
Those with frequent skin problems
Those suffering from reccuring acne
Those who want to improve fine wrinkles and elasticity
Those concerned due to dermatitis or atopy
1 We recommend receiving at least 3 - 5 treatments at 3 - 4 week intervals.
2 You can maximize effects if you combine this with treatments that help toning and skin regeneration.
Self-care has as much of an impact on treatment effectiveness as maintenance.
Please read the precautions and follow them carefully.