Acne Acne Care with Reduced Recurrence Rates
Easing Sebum
Skin Texture
and Tone
Safer and Maximized Effectiveness
NeoBeam’s Acne Improvement Process
Millet, purulent, refractory, recurrent acne
The epidermis is instantly cooled and protected with the DCD cooling system
While DCD cooling system is active, laser energy is emitted on sebaceous glands
Selectively destroys only the sebaceous glands and improves acne
The DCD cooling system operates simultaneously with laser irradiation, protecting the skin surface and directing the laser towards the sebaceous glands. This process minimizes skin irritation and pain.
Relieves acne by reducing sebum secretion through laser irradiation.
This treatment can be performed without medication or local anesthesia
Fast treatment time and short downtime. You can expect improvements in acne in daily life.
This Treatment Reduces Acne, Pigmentation, and Sebum Secretion.
Don’t Squeeze Acne or Sebum! Be Safe!
We provide solutions according to acne type
We prevent acne recurrence by removing the cause of acne
We prevent acne by suppressing and
preventing sebum secretion
We reduce acne through a synergistic process of extrusion,
scaling, and soothing
Those who want complex acne management
Those who are concerned about excessive sebum secretion
Those who are concerned about acne scars
Those who want to solve pores, acne, and skin texture concerns at the same time
Those who want to improve millet troubles/purulent acne
Those with acne and dry skin
1 We recommend receiving this treatment at 1 - 2 week intervals.
2 The treatment is effective in quickly reducing acne and reducing recurrence by suppressing sebum secretion.
3 You can expect a sebum suppression effect by accurately targeting the depth of the sebaceous glands.
4 By stimulating surrounding collagen, the treatment can improve skin elasticity, fine wrinkles, and acne scars.
5 The treatment is effective in reducing acne redness and acne scars.
Self-care has as much of an impact on treatment effectiveness as maintenance.
Please read the precautions and follow them carefully.