Filler / Sculptra Sculpted Facial Contours Without Surgery

Super Mijuko
Toxnfill's Super Mijuko treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic method that does not require incisions. This treatment improves the lines of the tip and bridge of the nose by inserting a safe (KFDA-approved) medical thread (PDO). Mijuko thread is injected into the columella line and the tip of the nose to form a support bar, safely raising the nose line and improving the angle of the tip of the nose.
Because we use thread made of absorbent material that is harmless to the human body, the thread is absorbed and disappears after 6 - 12 months.
Up to 50% of the collagen produced during the treatment is semi-permanent, meaning that following the treatment, the nose bridge line is maintained naturally.
  • Treatment Time
    Treatment Time Approximately 10 - 20 Minutes
  • Anesthesia
    Anesthesia Anesthesia Injection
  • Recovery Period
    Recovery Period Immediate Return to Daily Life Possible
  • Maintenance Period
    Maintenance Period Approximately 6 - 12 Months
toxnfill toxin
Super Mijuko
Recommended for People Like This:
  • POINT 1

    Those who want a sharper nose tip

  • POINT 2

    Those who are concerned about a wide nose bridge after multiple filler treatments

  • POINT 3

    Those who might be overwhelmed by incision surgery

  • POINT 4

    Those with a blunt and low nose

  • POINT 5

    Those who are concerned about a crooked or hooked nose bridge

Effects and Recommended Treatment Cycle
  • 1 In the case of Super Mijuko, the maintenance period varies depending on the filler product used and the individual. Generally, the maintenance period can be expected to last between 6 - 12 months.

  • 2 Follow-up treatments are possible after the initial bruising and swelling subside. We recommend that you make a decision after sufficient consultation with the medical staff.

Treatment Q&A
  • Q. Is this treatment possible after rhinoplasty?
    Toxnfill If you have ever had rhinoplasty surgery, it may be difficult to proceed with the treatment.
    Due to the surgery, scar tissue has already formed on the inside of the skin, making the treatment difficult and causing blood vessel damage.

    Whether the exact treatment is possible can be determined after visiting the hospital and consulting with medical staff.
  • Q. Is there a difference between Hiko/Super Hiko and Super Mijuko?
    Toxnfill Hiko/Super Hiko and Super Mijuko all use hyaluronic acid filler, and the point where the melting thread is inserted is the same. However, the shape of the thread is different.
    Hiko and Super Hiko contain a general shaped thread without protrusions.
    Mijuko contains a cog thread with protrusions formed on it.

Self-care has as much of an impact on treatment effectiveness as maintenance.
Please read the precautions and follow them carefully.

  • You may wash your face and apply makeup 2 - 3 hours after the treatment. After 24 hours, please remove the Duoderm attached to the treatment area.
  • Please continue to take the prescribed medication for 3 days to prevent inflammation and relieve pain. If you have a history of antibiotic allergy, please be sure to let us know.
  • It is recommended you avoid excessive drinking, saunas/jimjillbangs, hot baths and strenuous exercise for approximately a week after the treatment.
  • Bruising, swelling, pain, and a foreign body sensation may occur, but most side effects are relieved within 1 - 2 weeks. However, if the pain gets worse, changes in skin color, blisters, itchiness, or heat at the treatment area persist even after taking the prescribed medication, please contact the hospital.
  • The treated area may experience changes in shape due to external pressure, so be careful to avoid putting pressure on the treated area for 2 - 3 weeks. (Example: Wearing a hat, sleeping face down or on your side, wearing glasses, avoiding ultrasound and high frequency treatment, and facial massages).
  • Sometimes, depending on the skin condition, threads may come out of the skin at the treatment site. In this case, please avoid touching it with your hands and visit the hospital to receive appropriate treatment.
  • If you experience any other inconveniences, please contact the hospital.
On-line consultaion